El Chico Áncora


There was a beautiful girl
who came from the sea.
And there was just one place
that she wanted to be.

With a man named Walker
who played in a band.
She would leave the ocean
and come onto the land.

He was the one that
she wanted the most.
And she tried everything
to capture this ghost.

But throughout all their lives
they never connected.
She wandered the earth
alone and rejected

She tried looking happy
she tried looking tragic,
she tried astral projecting,
sex, and black magic.

Nothing could join them,
except maybe one thing,
just maybe… something to anchor
their spirits…. They had a baby.

But to give birth to a baby
they needed a crane.
the umbilical cord
was in the form of a chain.

I t was ugly and gloomy,
and as hard as a kettle.
It had no pink skin,
just heavy gray metal.

The baby that was meant
to bring them together,
just shrouded them both
in a cloud of foul weather.

So Walker took off
to play with the band.
And from that day on,
he stayed mainly on land.

And she was alone
with her gray baby anchor,
who got so oppressive
that eventually sank her.

As she went to the bottom,
not fulfilling her wish,
it was her, and her baby …
and a few scattered fish.

Tim Burton,

“La melancólica muerte del Chico Ostra”

La traducció del poema en castellà és pèssima, s’entén molt millor l’original, tot i estar en anglès.

2 Responses to “El Chico Áncora”

  1. 1 Jusephus

    Walker, Texas Ranger!!!

    • 2 sibilarodhia

      In person …
      sabia que al teu nivell d’anglès no se li resistiria un poema de Burton!

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